

Remember Your Loved Ones:on All Saint’s Day Sunday, November 3rd by including them in our bulletin. There are paper forms on the welcome table that can be turned into the office. Or scan the QR code to enter online. Forms must be completed by October 24th.

Stewardship is an Important Part: of our Christian walk. We give back to God with our time, our Talents and our treasures. Please be sure to read the handout from our treasurer about how your gifts keep St. Mark serving our community. Remember to take one of the forms on the Welcome Table and fill it out, then return it to the containers on the table. Place the Time & Talent half in the basket. Place the Treasure half in the acrylic box. This will help us in planning all of our ministries and our budget. Thank you.

Countdown to Kickoff: is 1 week! Join your friends at St. Mark at the 3rd annual Cleveland Sunday October 27th at 1 pm. Bring your children as their will be games and activities for them. Don’t miss out on the fun, food, & fellowship. Signup on the bulletin board in the hall.

The November Women’s League Meeting: will be held next Sunday (October 27) at 11:15 because of the boutique. Please try and attend to see how you can become involved.

Thank you to everyone who attended the OCC packing party! We had more volunteers than anticipated and we made great progress in prayerfully packing up our donated inventory. But it is not too late to participate in this important ministry! You can shop and pack your own box, recruit a friend to pack, or provide a monetary donation for shopping or shipping. We are still looking for small filler items for age 2-4 boys and girls. Every box is a Gospel opportunity! Final date to turn in boxes at St. Mark is immediately after late service on October 27.

Join Us in Praying: for our country. The Elders will be leading a prayer service on Wednesday October 30 at 7:00pm. We will be praying for the upcoming election, our leaders, and our community. Please join us and invite a friend.

Praise Him in the Sanctuary! Do you love serving, praising and worshiping the Lord through music? If so, the praise team would like to talk with you. We would welcome another guitar player and percussionist to supplement our team. Interested? Please email, at or text or call 440-773-4732.

Boutique Sign-Up: As we approach November, the boutique draws closer and we need people to sign up for the many positions needed. The easiest way to do this is to scan the code here and open up the link. You can scroll down and see the many options to serve and then sign up for the time slot you are available. We need greeters, cashiers, drivers for shuttling vendors/volunteers, kitchen helpers and clean-up workers. If you are not available to help at the Boutique you can still help by baking goodies for the sale. Or by selling tickets for the quilt that will be raffled on December 8th. A pack of tickets will be placed in your mailbox shortly, consider purchasing these. Christmas and bling jewelry is needed to sell so look through your jewelry boxes. Please put it in the room behind Fellowship Hall in the box marked “Ellen” by October 27. Finally, The Gently Used and Regiftable shops at the Boutique will gladly take your unneeded autumn and Christmas decorations which may be left in the Library.

Inside and Out:Serving today in the nursery are Jennifer and Erik Hanson. Thank you to those mowing this week.

Have a Few Hours?:The office is looking for someone to help 2 mornings per week. If you are interested contact Dave Toth. 216 210-0175.

LWML Grant Requests are due by Nov. 17th. The requests must be submitted on line at Grants are evaluated on a variety of criteria including impact on our local congregation’s ability to fulfill our vision / mission statements. The ministries served may also be doing mission work nationally and internationally. Amounts granted are not to exceed $500.00. Any questions, please contact Sue Brill.

Save November 3rd: after service to help with Boutique Set-up. Volunteers are needed to set up tables, relocate items from the nursery & library, bring boxes from the basement, etc. This is a major church event and needs the support of all.

Welcome to the Family: baby Emelia Sue Jordan! She joins the church through baptism following the late service.