Today at St.Mark: we will be having the Installation of Officers at each service. This is anyone elected to serve from the congregation meeting in November. There are many ways to serve here at St. Mark, such as Altar Guild, Women’s League, Greeting or Ushers, and Music (bells, choir, praise team). If you would like information as to how to get involved in one of the many areas of service, reach out to the office and we will connect you with the right person
Kick-Off Time: for the big game is later tonight but you can participate in SOUPERBOWL OFCARINGas you leave today. St. Mark will be collecting monetary donations after each service to help the needy. To add your donation, look for the soup pot by each of the doors near the offering collection plates. If you typically donate online giving, you may designate funds to the SouperBowl there also. Every dollar collected goes directly to a charity of our choice: to help to feed the hungry at Trinity Lutheran Church Ohio City. More info:
The Ministry Clarity Survey is Available Today:If you haven’t heard St. Mark has entered into a process with Lutheran Church Extension Fund called Ministry Clarity, which will help us think about our church ministries and the community around us. The first step in the process is participation in a congregation-wide survey. The survey is available beginning today, it can be completed online or on paper. Please take the time to participate, as every response will help us position our church for present and future ministry opportunities. Copies of the survey are on the
Welcome Table, the QR code printed here can be used to access it from your smartphone or tablet, or you can use this link on your computer . With so many options we hope that everyone will participate. Paper Forms can be placed in the clear box on the Welcome Table.
Tomorrow is the Deadline: to sign up for the LWML NE Zone annual Prayer Service held here at St. Mark on this Saturday, February 15th. The theme of the service is “Blessed Are They,” based on Matthew 5. Coffee & fellowship begin at 9:30 and the service begins at 10am. As host there are many jobs to be done to welcome our guests. Check out the Bulletin Board in the halland sign up as you can, either with prep on Friday or at the event on Saturday. Please prayerfully consider where you can let your light shine to God’s glory. If you have questions, contact Ruth Mowery.
This Wednesday ,February 12th: is the February Meeting of the St Mark Book Club. Pick ANY book you never read in school or for a book club – but should have! Read it, complete the optional, simple (firstgradelevel) book report from Sue, and come to the meeting ready to share why you’re glad (or not) to have finally read your selection. Join in at 1pm in the small dining room off of St. Mark’s Fellowship Hall or pack a lunch and join us at noon for extra fun. Please contact Sue Matzke with any questions.
Books, Blooms and Bake Sale Fundraiserwill take place on Friday, May 2nd from 1pm -7pm and Saturday, May 3rd from 9am-2pm. Mark your calendars now to shop for reasonably priced adult and children’s books, puzzles, musical cd’s and vinyl records. Since we will not be able to set up for the sale until after the Community Lunch on April 30th, we will need a very large number of volunteers. Therefore, we are scheduling the work session to begin at 6pm to make it convenient for more people and will be serving a light dinner. If you can help, please RSVP to so that the right amount of food can be arranged.