

Kids, It’s Not Too Late!: tell your parents that you want to come to Vacation Bible School tomorrow at 9am.

Bring a friend and

Share the Good News that God is a Friend who is REAL,


and for EVERYONE.

Adults, your help is always welcome, even at the last minute! Helpers are needed to assist in many areas-hands in the kitchen for making snacks, people to assist at the demonstrations at the Imagination station, or if you like to interact and have fun with kids you can help with the games. Vacation Bible School is a fun-filled week where children learn about our loving Lord. Registration will be available tomorrow, or take this announcement home so you can sign up with the QR code.

Vacation Bible School is a place where seeds are planted for faith to grow. Come and sow some seeds and have some fun while doing it!

Next Week: on Sunday, July 28 there will be no Bible study. We will have a reception for Annie Ryan who graduated from Concordia University and will be starting her ministry at Bethlehem Lutheran in Delmar, NY. She would like to say “Thank you” to St. Mark for all the amazing support over the past several years. St. Mark would like to say “God’s Blessings” on her new adventure. So please come to the fellowship hall on July 28 for refreshments and fellowship.

New Collection Boxes: Please note that the Trustees have installed new collection boxes at each door from the Sanctuary. These are for your envelopes or donations only. Place your attendance cards in the area on the outside of the box. Thanks for your cooperation. (P.S. if you would like to learn how to record your attendance with your phone stop Linda for a quick lesson)

Rummage Sale Work Parties: The This ‘n’ That committee is hard at work! Our weekly “Shed Parties” continue weekly on Thursdays from 9:00 to Noon all summer long. We can always use more workers! Pleaseconsider joining us. Donations are now being accepted! Remember that the proceeds of the sale support mission grants and our monthly community lunch. Start cleaning out those closets and bring your goods to the church. Contact Brianna McCrudden or Lori Cudnik with questions.

Inside and Out: Our nursery is staffed today at the 10:15 service by Laurie Deau. The mowing team for the second half of July is Rick Huston and Ray Haserodt. Ray Haserodt continues to trim trees and prune the perimeters.

Something to Consider: Are you looking for a way to serve St. Mark that fits into your hectic schedule? The coffee team needs you! We are looking for several people to help. It only requires a few minutes before or after the service once every 5 weeks. If you are able and willing text or call Karen Rudar (216 440-8838). Or consider volunteering as an usher or greeter. This is usually only a once-a-month commitment at the service you usually attend. It’s a great way to meet more people at church. Reach out to Tom Holt or the office to take the next step.

We are in need: of someone to run the livestream at the 10:15 service on the 2nd Sunday of every month. We can easily teach you everything you need to know to help with this important outreach ministry. Contact Kim Ryan or Leah Spisak if you are interested.

St. Mark’s Book Club: August 14th’s book will be Marie Monville’s ONE LIGHT STILL SHINES. Please join us as we look at the real-life faith journey of an Amish school shooter’s wife. We will be meeting at 1 p.m. in the small dining room off St. Mark’s Fellowship Hall. Feel free to pack a lunch and join us at noon for extra fun. Pleasecontact Sue Matzke for a copy of the book or with any questions. Bring a friend or two!